ADULTS-Natural Pigments, Paints & Inks
Learn to make your own natural pigments, paints and inks from earth and plant-based materials.
Service Description
DIYers, teachers, painters, creatives, artists, folks who like making cool stuff for gifts, and anyone who's just plain curious, this is for you! 🎨 IN THIS WORKSHOP YOU WILL: - Learn about natural pigments and how to extract them - Learn about natural watercolor binder and how to make it - Learn how to create natural inks - Use mineral pigments to create watercolors - Learn how pigment sticks are made 🎨 YOU WILL TAKE HOME: - Six earth pigment watercolor paints in burr oak acorn caps - Black walnut ink Materials + Snacks + Drinks provided This class is hosted at the Wild Arts Learning Studio in Springfield, MO. The address and directions will be emailed upon booking.