My background is in documentary film and media production. I spent the majority of my early career traveling the world documenting people and places for various non-profit organizations, covering disaster and humanitarian crisis response, learning how to observe and share stories. My primary goal was to find and live purpose in service. On the journey, I began exploring other ventures to live that purpose, starting with retreats and eventually hosting a summer nature camp for kids. My experiences and education in travel, hosting camps and retreats, botanical arts and cultivating natural areas, gave me the foundation I needed to begin shaping with co-creator Bethany Joy what would eventually become Wild Arts Learning. Together, we have realized a beautiful outlet to both create and serve.
From a young age, I understood the connections that people have with the natural world that surrounds us. So, it was no surprise then at five years old I already knew that I wanted to make a difference in animal and human life here on Earth. During my university years in Northern Queensland, I completed a double major in biology and botany with a focus on wildlife conservation. I found that I was happiest when rescuing an animal, or returning a lost pet to their heartbroken family. I loved the sciences and also became passionate about what was really in our food, personal care and home cleaning products. I started studying anything I could find about living a “greener and cleaner” life. When I discovered a naturopathic science program in Brisbane, it was as if I had found a new personal mission. If I want to truly help the animals of this world, I must first learn to help the humans. After eight years living and studying in Australia, I had found a path to once and for all meld my natural ability and desire to care for others, my interest in holistic medicine, and nature. Then, my life story had another chapter that came unexpectedly after all my studies. It was a personal adventure that would teach me valuable lessons to help me in all of life’s challenges; face the fears and do it anyway! That’s right, I hopped on a sailing boat to overcome my fear of the wildly strong oceans and seas. After 10+ years sailing around the world, learning, adapting, and observing earth’s diversity, I found it was time to ground and grow my own roots. The Azores was a place that I had passed by numerous times crossing the Atlantic Ocean. So, my husband and I bought land, built a home, began to establish ourselves in a community that greeted us with open arms and full smiles, and I started a small donkey sanctuary! We had found our place to call home. My most recent adventure of finding my place to call home and building community here in the Azores has truly become the culmination of a lifelong adventure of trying to put together all the puzzle pieces along my journey. I am grateful to have achieved my lifelong dream and honored by the trust placed in me, not only by my animals but also by my community. I treasure the long-term relationships that I develop with both as we work together to ensure that the donkeys we all love receive the best care possible and are always treated with kindness, compassion and respect. Nature is awesome! After all these years, I still am always learning and improving my ability to help make a difference in the world we live in. What better way to spend your life than doing something you love with others who feel the same way! I think the absolute best part of my life is that I get to make a difference every single day. That’s why I do what I do.

Wild Arts workshops are held in person at the Wild Arts Learning Center in Springfield, Missouri (United States) where Cina is located
Bethany resides on the Portuguese island of Saõ Miguel in the Azores, where she operates the Blue Footed Donkey Farm.
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